Instruct Regent Beware of Flood Wave II

12 Feb 2016
20 seen -Bupati Bojonegoro, Suyoto, re-instructed the management to wapada and siapsiaga mengadapi flood wave II. Instruction is made after considering the conditions TMA Solo since 06.00 am this morning showed the increase in the standby enter the green and in the afternoon it was nearing the yellow alert. TMA expected increases will be higher and longer than on Monday. In his instructions Regent assert that the entire sub-district heads to be in the affected area and conduct monitoring river conditions bengawan TMA solo. "Then inform the entire community and report the development of TMA and altitude affected areas due to overflowing rivers bengawan solo," said Kang Yoto. At the last second standby highest TMA observed in TBS reached 14.68 peilschal. TMA is predicted to rise in the river bengawan solo for the second wave is predicted to touch the figure of 14.80 peilschal. This is due to several factors such as the increase in TMA upstream. Based on information monitoring TMA upstream indicates upward trend. Currently dipapanduga Karangnongko Luwihaji Village District of Ngraho altitude peilschal 27.86, an increase compared to the conditions at 09.00 am this morning at 27.65 ketingian peilschal. Another thing to watch out is the local rainfall that occurred in the district of Bojonegoro .. To note, during this one contributor to the increase in water level in the river solo is the supply of child ren solo bengawan river located in Bojonegoro. In addition to considering local rainfall and elevation upstream, another factor that must be considered is the tide. Tide is usually influenced by several things, among others in death or turn of the month, the full moon as well as due to natural events such as eclipses both solar and lunar eclipse. The subdistrict and village, Regent instructed to begin alerting the community kitchen in each region. (Nang / Kominfo)